Monday, 28 September 2015

The 3 Assets Of Art

Hello there splendid owls,

As we progress through the modern age, traditional artistry seems to be getting obscured within the midst of all our high tech mishmash. While developments in graphics, animation and lavish tools are a wonderful thing, I think its important to keep the classic paint-pallets alive. Children across the world are now being taught how to create art through technology, perhaps an influence which could sway our younger generations to the 'exciting swanky inventions' rather than the trusty graphite and acrylics. I'm not saying it's being abolished altogether; only that it is obviously a major temptation to reach for the gadgets than the canvas. Not enough of us take time to enjoy the delights of our Galleries; home to an abundance of history and incredible stories, inspiration and tranquility.
But anyway, aside from that, I believe something which is greatly underestimated is just how much art can benefit our psychological well-being. Below is a quick list of those groovy assets. Toodle-oo.

        1. Expression in practice:

My A level final piece- example of self-expression
WIP- art therapy
Seeing that madness is commonly linked with creativity; it's important to consider whether it is the artists who are 'mad', or in fact the use of art itself being a healing force for ordinary human beings with their own struggles. Principally, the arts are often a source of happiness, relief and expression; therefore it becomes a sort of crutch for us to help our mental health. It doesn't necessarily mean that the label of 'Van Gogh the madman' is correct; more so that 'Van Gogh was a troubled man who found relief through painting'. It's a little hard to explain, but this is essentially why there is such a thing as Art Therapy.
Sketchbook expression
Quite literally grabbing a piece of paper and sketching the first thing that pops into your head is something psychologists would analyse. You can be as bold or as intricate as you like, while expressing all your emotions and buried thoughts. Sometimes what we call 'inarticulate feelings' are trapped deep within us and can be discovered and released through the paintbrush. You can reach the unconscious parts of the mind, allowing the screaming, suppressed turmoil free which would otherwise remain silent.
It's even known to reveal things about ourselves that we did not know, helping perceive things from a wider perspective. It is not only self-expression, but self-exploration.

         2. Enlivening in observation:

Final piece, to contrast

Simply the appreciation of art can do wonders for the soul. For example, my mother barely even attempts creating art herself, yet recently (due to persistent nagging from me) found a certain insight through the works. Far beyond the visual surface lies a much deeper meaning, but it is all about your own interpretation. Several people could feel opposing emotion from a single piece, where for someone, they could connect with it instantly.
You could be immersed, inspired and intrigued. It could trigger realization about yourself, or affinity that warms your heart. Art is indeed a wondrous thing, just so misunderstood. It is not always the quality, detail and skill that matters; but how you interpret the piece to suit you.
If we were walking around a gallery and spot a work such as this, I would personally find it captivating and connect with what I see as its meaning. Whereas my mum would cast it aside without a second thought because 'anyone could paint that'. It is how the art makes you think and feel.

         3. Conveying a message:

A level final piece, figure personal meaning
Since art really can hit a person, hard, it is only fitting that it is used to communicate directly to an audience. Through forms of promotion, support or even a cry for help, many artists create with a purpose in mind. You could catch a boy in detention for doodling horrifying illustrations in his maths book, but may simply have been praying that a teacher would notice what struggles he was conveying through the art and help him. On the other hand, an artist could use specific symbolism in a series of works as a campaign to promote something they feel strongly about. It really can prove useful, and of course powerful.

If you ever think you're getting slightly too philosophical about a piece of artwork, don't. There's no such thing as feeling too much from a creation. It's a sign that without realising it, you've psychologically connected with that piece, being insightful, understanding and above all, open.

Anyhow, I think I'm going to have a break from these deep posts for a little while, unless something crops up that I need to rant about! I for one cannot wait until Halloween, gagh everything's s festive at the moment.
I'm off to polish my pumpkin,

Take care,

B x


Saturday, 26 September 2015

Communication | Saga Saturday

Hello there hedgehogs,

Gosh, I can't believe it's been a week already since our last Saga Saturday. But nevertheless the time has come for another weekly roundup of favorites and highlights. Despite a rather melancholic, snotty few days, 'happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light', once claimed by my ol' man Dumbledore.
With seeing both Halloween and Christmas stock in stores, I'm sure after writing this I'll be meandering merrily downtown.

Weekly Favorites:

 "In the bad times, choose to grow stronger. In the good times, choose to enjoy fully. In all times, choose to be grateful."

 'Blood I Bled' by The Staves. Another 'bus journey' classic of mine. It's just genuinely illusory and catchy. Perhaps not as relaxing as last week's, but I still find it somewhat mood-lifting on the odd occasion.

La Meditazione, 1850 by Francesco Hayez.  This painting won't be to everybody's liking, but I think it strikes as a beguiling and curious study. There are so many meanings behind each brush stroke; the essence presented by the model poses afflicted questions and sincerity. Not to mention that, noticeably, the piece boldly represents natural beauty and the intrinsic body of women.
 The Skyrim Senile Scribbles series. Seriously, you can't beat a bit of Skyrim, particularly when this marvelous chap takes the mick out of all the illogical sides of the game. If you've never played it, you probably won't see anything humorous about it. (And of course you're missing out.)

This week I found a small product which I genuinely think is now one of my favorites. It isn't precisely one for the men out there, unless you favor lip-colour. Burt's Bees lip gloss. I have much darker shades, comparable to fallen autumn leaves. They smell incredible; don't feel too sticky; appears pure, healthy and gentle; applicable for any skin-tone and nourishes your lips. Best of all, they're 100% natural, something I feel strongly about. Wahey.

This may be the photo I've used as my profile image, (on almost every website) but there's a very good reason for that. It's a miracle indeed that the very sight of a simple photo can fill a person with such warmth every time it's seen. This was taken on November 27th 2014, my birthday (Seems to be a recurring theme here...), as me and my wonderful mother adventured around the Christmas markets in Manchester all evening; along with a spot of shopping of course.
This is about to get sentimental, soppy and a perhaps little uncomfortable, just a warning. This is essentially my favorite photo of all time. That particular month, I was in one of the worst places I had ever been in my life, yet the moment this was taken it appears to be the happiest. Out of all the darkness, a glimmer of light struck a chord that night. In fact I'd go as far to say it captures the happiest I had been in a long, long time. Not only that, but it is one of the only photos that I like of myself. We all pick out our imperfections and over-analyze, and it's no doubt a rarity we find an image which genuinely makes us smile. It is also rare I get myself and my mum together in a photo, so that makes its value all the more precious. She is a true beauty, whom I am extremely grateful for and owe my heart to. Ultimately, this one photo represents how our relationship has grown over the past couple of years. So, cheers mother!

Weekly Highlights:

  Once again, an arduous one to answer. But scrap that, let's keep pushing. My prime moment this past week has been, wait for it... Communication. What the hell? Well for many years now I've persisted to be a social recluse. Though I've been attempting to push my limits and actually communicate with people. I've posted tweets in my own words rather than only links, I've even branched out to Facebook a little, (albeit still trying to keep distant, hence my previous blog post) it's been quite a showboat. I won't deny, it's been hard and I've since deleted a few posts due to hesitation and fear of being disliked. But an issue such as this is something we all must pass in order to fulfill a life of harmony and equal belonging. *Puts on monocle*

 After aimlessly staring at this blank screen for over an hour, I have at long last thought of an achievement, yay. I openly admitted something I'm currently struggling with to a cousin. At first it distressed me that I'd done such a thing, but being honest and truthful is simply human. Everybody has their own battles, often veiled deep behind their eyes, so why should yours be any less important? Support, help and love can be achieved if we accept ourselves and acknowledge that we need it. You deserve comfort and respect, principally to yourself. My, that got deep.

There we go, yippedy doo. Again feel free to use this idea of your 'Saga Saturday', I'm interested. You can all be positive and optimistic if you really focus on the right path.


B x


Wednesday, 23 September 2015

The Curb Of Social Media

Hello there pumpkins,

A bit of a predicament has been niggling at me for a while now, and it is something so many of us encounter in many instances. Knowing your limits on social media. No, not in terms of the classic 'rants', 'bitching' or the usual tomfoolery; but when temptation and fixation cause us only destruction.
These modern-age methods of communication and social updates are incredible. We can share our love, worries and memories. It can bring the paramount of joys, or in difficult times, a downward spiral of self-hatred.
When we're alone, we are able to diddle-daddle through our feeds on Facebook, scrolling endlessly in fascination at what friends and family are up to. Even stalking lures us in to the desolate ends of the internet when we stop and wonder what the hell we're doing.
But anyhow, despite the warmth and comfort we receive when feeling involved with the community through these updates, it is easy to get jealous. In my case for example, I've been scrolling through post to post about everyone I once knew moving on and beginning University; while I'm not. I then feel more isolated than ever, hopeless, worthless and spiral into a dark place. Yet despite knowing what destruction it's causing, I am too tempted and continue scrolling. Why?
Because when we're sat crouched down at our little screens, it is programmed in our minds to instantaneously compare our lives to theirs. Seeing everyone on one page, appears as though they are grouped in some sort of social gathering while we are obliviously staring at our laptop, alone.
No matter the circumstance, we've all felt this way. Whether it's university, relationships, health, wealth or friendship groups to be yearning for; we always carry on looking.
Still, there is one simple solution. Stop and walk away.
Keep mindful of things which affect you on Facebook, then take a break and do something more important than comparing yourself.
Why not do something that your good at? Boost your self-esteem, prove you're a unique individual who has a completely separate life from theirs, writing your own story.
You, are enough. Just because everyone's doing something you're not, doesn't mean you are a failure or don't fit in. It simply means you're walking a different path. You are your own person and can write your next chapter however you want.
Actually, taking my example into account, something just as simple as a snuggly bit of optimism can be worthwhile. Go ahead and comment on people's updates, wishing them the best of luck and offering your support. You'd be surprised how much this can help, particularly if you are genuinely proud of them. Not only does this make you feel more connected and involved as opposed to detached, but it actually pushes up the pedestal and puts you at the same level. You will no longer be looking up to them in heartbreak, but supporting them eye-to-eye as equals.
If you cannot rid the overwhelming emotion, put it aside and walk away. When we mindlessly scroll, it is easy to to become fixated and blind of what you're doing to yourself. So it is so unbelievably important to be mindful.
Don't wonder why you didn't, why you won't or when. Focus on the present moment and don't let a silly little website ruin your day.
"Every morning we are born again, what we do today is what matters most." -Buddha
So on that note, let's burrow into a squishy cushion with a hot beverage and fluffy bed-socks, because it is....

Until Christmas!?....

Too early? I couldn't help myself.


B x

Monday, 21 September 2015

When Kindness Backfires

 Hello there acorns,

This is a somewhat cautionary tale of how aiming to please everyone can backfire. Something I have only recently learnt and will certainly be wary of in the future.
Smiling, complimenting, inspiring and trying your best to be helpful. That warm, alleviating feeling that overwhelms your heart when seeing someone's face lighten after intending to support them; you can't beat it. But what if that feeling is absent?
Despite what battles may be going on in each of our lives, we continue to put our efforts into making others happy, because we wouldn't want anyone to suffer the way we have done therefore do our best to prevent it.
But as I've now found, this approach isn't necessarily always beneficial. As I'm sure we've all done this; giving hypocritical advice to friends/ family whilst ignoring it ourselves. As it turns out, some can take your intentions the completely wrong way and perceive you as a selfish individual who wastes their own life by putting up a wall and being false.
Admittedly, at first this perspective really quite angered me. How could being kind mean I'm a terrible person? But while I still slightly disagree, I do see their point of view.
There is no reason to ignore our own advice just because we don't care enough. Although it's undoubtedly great to be so passionate about the happiness of others, it is our own lives which must come first.
We each have a story to journey through, taking every day to write a new page, however and wherever we want. In order to give the best advice and solicitude, we must stand as an example of what we believe in. Of what we believe to be righteous and above all, positive.
People won't benefit from our advice if they look at us and see that we do not care for ourselves. So it's time to put your soul into your own heart and step out into that unrelenting world, be brave, be passionate and live the life you desire.
Yes, it's easier said than done, but as an individual you deserve to be happy. So make sure you are, and then spread that warmth to those surrounding you.

Take care,

B x


Saturday, 19 September 2015

Blogging | Saga Saturday

Hello there coffee beans (still deciding on a name),

Prior to writing this post, I've always had the desire to write a diary, journal or something of the sort. But to be frank I just cannot handle it, particularly if I'm not in the best of moods. As I'm sure you've all experienced; if you feel like snapping a pencil in half you're going to struggle using it to write. Anyhow, to be more positive, I thought this approach would be of much more use to myself and anyone who has kindly took the time to read this.
Every Saturday I am going to do a weekly roundup of favorites (as listed below), and highlights. That way, you can share discoveries and likes through the web and try to turn the week around.
So, let's begin! (How climactic...)

Weekly Favorites:

 "When the root is deep, there is no reason to fear the wind."

  'The Only Thing' by Sufjan Stevens.  I used to listen to this on the way to college, though recently I've found it quite relaxing to have in the background while I toddle around doing arty things.

   Starry Night by Van Gogh. No doubt this is one of my all-time favorites. Not only because of the incredible technique, colour and intriguing concept, but because of the story behind the painting.

  'Over It', a TEDx talk by Dave Chawner. Really insightful and worth checking out. He makes light of the dark, adding humor where most won't see it, he's rather hilarious actually.

 I'm rather late to this, but my recent discovery is Pinterest. For anyone oblivious, like myself a few weeks ago, you essentially 'pin' your interests. It has endless images/ links to inspire you in all subjects and categories. Save your highlights, share to the world, and off you pop. My own page: Becboox.

 This photo holds an abundance of memories, largely from my 15th birthday, back in 2011. This day was one of
my happiest. Not only was it the first acting class I attended, but I spent the entire day with my best friend, my soul mate (Good lord this is getting soppy). We waltzed around Manchester; saw beauty in the amazingly-lit city at night; fan-girled at the fact we were stood outside the official BBC building; strolled in awe at the Christmas markets; enjoyed a Starbucks and returned home to a sleepover with Merlin DVDs, birthday cake and hysterical laughing fits. They were the good ol' days. Makes me smile every time I see this photo, I hope it does the same for my friend too.

Weekly Highlights:

   Inevitably, this one is relatively difficult to answer, particularly when you've had a formidable
week. But pushing yourself to focus on the lighter path boosts your optimism in the future.
For this reason, my highlighted moment in the past week has to be simply getting into blogging. It takes my mind off things, allows me to continue to hone my love for writing, and hide behind the fact that I have no social life *laughs hysterically*(Help).

   Now, this may sound quite indecent of me, but I got half-naked in front of a kind lady without panicking too much. Hear me out before you make judgements, deary me. It was a circumstance I couldn't avoid, nurses insist you strip your top-half before you take an ECG. Although I see this as an achievement, I'm pretty sure the nurse was scarred for life.

Well that's that. Feel free to use this idea, or write your own response of your 'Saga Saturday', I'm interested. You can all be positive and optimistic if you really focus on the right path.


B x


Thursday, 17 September 2015

Autumn Nail Ideas

Hello there squirrels (wow, I really need to decide on a name),

 As I've mentioned before, I am emphatically an autumn/winter fanatic. Regrettably my nails are habitually short due to the toll of the arts, and of course bad habits... But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a little calming pampering every now and then.
I've put together a list of combinations I've recently been wearing in order to get into the autumnal spirit.

The Glistening Moose

A neutral tone with a touch of delicate glitter adds just the right amount of magic for the early autumn mornings, without looking too keen for Christmas. Admittedly, this is one of my favorites.

 Tanya Burr | Penguin Chic & Rimmel | Finishing Touch Glitter Top Coat 13

The Iridescent House Elf 

Another neutral with a splash of iridescence is a subtle way to express your inner-angel.

Essie | Ladylike & Ciate | PP089- Halo

The Sophisticated Raven

Although a single nail polish, having a matte effect shouts a 'don't mess with me' vibe. Perfect for Halloween and adding a smooth, rich aura to lure people in whilst mixing your cauldron.

Avon | Magic Effects Matte- Black

The Classy Mulberry

Similar to the black matte, adding a topcoat, clear matte polish not only strengthens your nails but also spices up an already chic colour. A dark purple shade acts as a bold statement perfect for the colder seasons.

Kelly Brook | Matte Top Coat & Tanya Burr | New York Night

 The Magically Exploding Fireplace

A warm, autumnal tone together with a top coat of gold glitter screams 'fall' (and once again, Christmas). It's like the leaves had fallen to the ground and stars shone down from the skies; like you're sat by the fireside wrapped in a meter of itchy tinsel... You get the idea.

Collection | Lasting Gel Nail Colour- Daredevil 17 & Technic | 19 

 The Sparkle Robin

An overload of glitter combined with a deep, brilliant red. You can't really get more festive than that. Every time you catch a glimpse of your jolly nails, a sense of joviality and belonging fills your heart. (As you strut downtown like a bewitching disco-ball)

Rimmel | Disco Diva- 019 & Rimmel | Rapid Ruby- 320

  The 007 Vintage Tree

  Why 007? Because a rustic brown with iridescence and texture is of course a bold autumn representation in itself; but by including a spec of glitter, it allows you to express your eager festivity without being too obvious. It looks vintage, but with hidden intentions of a merry spirit.

Barry M | Countess- 349

The Sexy Poltergeist

Glow in the dark top coat, plus piercing, silky black; means one seductive ghost. Imagine Nearly-headless Nick in a tuxedo, or Moaning Myrtle at the Yule Ball. Perhaps a classy addition to a Halloween party.

17 | Fast Finish Nightshade & Essence | Fly Firefly Fly

The Dashing Big-Foot

Simply a pearly white base and a crystal pool of dazzling tinsel. You could be a personification of the weather. Well, in the UK anyway.

Rimmel | Silver Bullet- 730 & Technic | Sparkle Top Coat- Daydreamer

So there we are, phew that took a while. But nevertheless I think this will keep me occupied with routinely manicures through the coming months. On that note....
(I've put links with each on where to find the products online to purchase.)


B x


Monday, 14 September 2015

Stop using 'depressed' as an adjective

Hello there squirrels (I seem to be lacking originality for autumnal nicknames at the moment),

Now, firstly I want to make it perfectly clear to avoid an eruption of furious ranting; I have no problem with people using 'depressed' as an adjective when in context of increasingly low mood or describing the effect of something. It is only when the term is used, resentfully and without sympathy, in both the presence of someone with a genuine mental illness or so casually that depressed, becomes but another synonym for disappointed. It's rather difficult to put into words, let me explain:

Imagine this scenario; I've just been given an excruciatingly long essay to complete overnight, and respond with:
"Great, now I'm depressed, what an absolute flobbernickle!" (side-note- is that one hell of an insult or what?)
Describing yourself to be suddenly upset in this way, only adds to the stigmas and misunderstanding judgments that those genuinely suffering with depression have to face. When these phrases are used in such a common, casual way so frequently, the more sincere meaning is lost. Leading to this scenario:

"You have depression? Well it's okay, I get like that when me and my friend have an argument. Just pull yourself together and put a smile on your face."
See? Any sufferers reading this will have already got the gist and felt the fury merely by the title. But by consistently putting depression in casual phrases, peoples minds become so used to it as an emotion that encountering someone with depression tends to have a detrimental effect. 
 No doubt this is a reoccurring argument that many have put forward, but nevertheless, the problem still seems to be getting worse. Of course the stigmas will never be completely gone, it is impossible and no-ones fault, but by putting a little more effort into how we word things, you'd be surprised exactly how much it can help.
This accounts for practically all mental illnesses. I've encountered too many capricious sayings directed towards myself that not only offend a large number of people, but add to the stereotypes and stigmas glued to the conditions. 
So please;
"Stop being so depressed and lighten up."
"You're not anxious you're just shy."
"This is so boring I'm going to commit suicide in a minute."
"You look anorexic."
Think before you speak, doing this can make people feel even more worthless and belittled. 

Now that rant's over, here's one of my favorite songs which likely saved my life during my days at college (If you're having a rough time, the chorus may inspire you. It makes me gawp in wonderment every time); enjoy Mr Pete Lawrie! :)

Love and snuggly hugs, 

B x


Thursday, 10 September 2015

Staying Mindful

Hello there pumpkins,

I thought a brief post on keeping mindful was in order. The colder months can throw anyone into an onset of the blues, and considering I am descending rather rapidly at the moment, a useful list of techniques is convenient.
  •  Try to observe your environment, pay attention and notice the strength of the passing breeze; rays of clinquant sunlight; gentle or thumping rainfall. Utilize every one of your senses and immerse yourself into the earth below your feet, breathe. Whether traveling to work or school, standing in line or stuck in traffic; be mindful of your thoughts and stay in the present moment. Are you ruminating about events that could occur later on in the day? Relax your shoulders and clear your mind.
I frequently practiced this particular technique when walking to college or sat on the bus, for example. If you often struggle with anxiety, this is a great (simple and surprisingly helpful) way to pay less attention to the crowds around you and focus on purely yourself. I found myself appreciating the world to such a new-found extent, that its beauty gave me the little hope I needed to get through the day.
  • Though this may be quite obvious, just take some time to practice mindful breathing. This form of meditation is so underestimated considering how effective it can be. Especially prior to exams, interviews or when you find yourself so stressed you're about to implode and melt your desk in boiling lava. Simply stop, focus and breathe. Happy days. 
  •  Use the miracle of sound to clear your mood. Silence and music are equally effective on their own. Sitting or going about your daily routine is highly valuable in complete silence. Just as setting aside your phone whilst on a looped-playlist of soothing music allows you to truly appreciate the sound waves flowing in and out your ears. 
I'd personally recommend a notable album, Classical Chill out, which can be found on iTunes (etc), I adore it. If it's really not to your taste, a rather magnificent app which is a condensed version of their website, Calm. It offers realistic soundscapes, visuals and relaxing ambiance, including timed sessions and meditation. Seriously, check it out if you haven't already, it's amazing. I know a few YouTuber's have raved about the book, but this is a genuine help to myself and a lot of people
  • Art. Need I say more? Practically most forms of the creative arts have a therapeutic response, separating our thoughts and restraints and expressing them through different mediums. Whilst I paint, my mind is completely clear, focusing only on my work. The same effect comes with clay-modelling, you feel yourself getting lost in the moment, where your worries impregnate themselves into the artistic outcome, which is why 'art therapy' is so popular. 
To be quite honest, I normally combine both music/soundtracks with the arts, it works wonders.
"Mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally." -Jon Kabat-Zinn
Nonjudgmentally is the key here. Walking through the forests you do not criticize the trees for being 'too tall', 'too thick' or 'too withered', you simply acknowledge its existence. You know that it grew to be that way, and that it is a physical thing you are witnessing before your very eyes. So, try turning people, objects and your surroundings into trees. (Metaphorically of course, unless you're a wizard then go for it). That means appreciating things for just the way they are, allow them.

And allow yourself.

Take care, love life, stay mindful,

B x

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

University | The Truth About Decisions

Hello there pumpkins,

The time has befallen, university. Most who I've seen blossom within the last couple of years have now taken the dreaded yet exhilarating leap to moving away from home and joining a community of honorary, dedicated students. However, while they're all off trotting around the country, I, and like plenty before me, have taken a gap year.
Without doubt we are all somewhat 'pressured' to immediately head off to university. To make this huge and life-dependent decision or fall into the abyss of a tragic future. But please for the sake of humanity, stop for a moment! It's the job of tutors to ensure they see us off to further education, so yes, listen intently to what they have to say, but remember you have alternatives, too.
 If you know for certain that you are ready, then off to uni you go. If you're slightly 'iffy', then by all means take a step back, breathe and have a good ol' think. Gap year's are always a good option for either gaining a little work experience, thoroughly researching what industry you're heading towards and deciding upon courses without the rush or pressures. Also, I think it is of the utmost importance to take into consideration your own well-being before jumping into things.
For example, I became increasingly eager and continued to make impulsive decisions on where I wanted to go and what courses I would take; whilst being undeniably stubborn. It was only at the last minute (after I had been made offers, so yes it is possible to change at the last minute depending on your conditions) that I was persuaded by those around me to deffer my application by a year because I would barely last a day with my current state of health, which is true despite how much I denied it. So ultimately, if you don't think you're ready, struggling with mental illness, or think you need time to recover yourself, that's okay. You are allowed. Just make sure you get some opinions on the matter, but essentially if you're going to dedicate the next three or four years to university, then surely you want to make the best of it than suffer throughout because you chose to ignore your well-being.
Of course if you simply want a break from the strenuous education system, some popular options during a gap year are:
  • Traveling (conquering) the world.
  • Earn some cash through small jobs in relation to your intended industry. (Even freelance work? Worth a shot)
  • Enhance your CV- work experience; take up every opportunity; expand out of your comfort zone and branch out.
  • Take care of yourself, and live for what makes you happy for a change.
  Good luck to all whose off to uni, and best wishes to those who aren't.


B x

Sunday, 6 September 2015

First Time Glasses

Hello there pumpkins,

Yesterday, I finally received my first frames due to being short-sighted. Admittedly, my entire life I had always insisted I wouldn't need glasses at least until surpassing my adult years, but little did I realize that within the last two, my eyesight would deteriorate. 
Countless times I would joke about wanting specs of my own. Jeez, I should have been careful what I wished for. Although, the relief and wonderment experienced as I stared blankly through the lenses for the first time, truly put things into 'perspective'. I cannot put into words how magnificent the world now seems, even more so than before. The pure, crisp beauty of nature breathes life. With every solemn leaf dancing through the air to its grounded-retreat, comes elegance and discernible artistry which my eyes can genuinely appreciate! Never will I take my sight for granted again, because every single thing on this earth is precious, and especially so with the gift of vision. 
It is important to look after yourself, first in line. Regardless of your age, your senses can be damaged at any stage, so be careful. I never even dared to think that at 18, this would happen. Ey, mental illness sucks. Anyhow, let's turn the mood around. 
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the snazzy pair. Courtesy (and with the utmost thanks) of my wonderful Godfather.

 So, take care,

B x

Friday, 4 September 2015

Top 10 | Back To School Essentials

Hello there, 

Now that most are returning to a new year at school, college or university; the colder months will take their toll and no doubt strip students of their enthusiasm and jolly spirit. The following are a collection of additions I personally found most helpful in the past. They should hopefully provide a little comfort, ease, lift your mood and distract you from the repetitive schedules and warped, black hole of self-consciousness... Perhaps. Anyhow, on with the top 10.

1) Hand warmers. Oh yes, particularly these beauties, Hot Hands Hand Warmer, are certainly a life-saver when it comes to those chilly mornings. Look back on the days where your fingers were too numb to write during class and your handwriting looked like a drowsy sloth had written it. Admittedly, no one wants to bother having to pop the warmer into the microwave, fill a hot water bottle or pop it into a pan, but little do they realize that science has indeed advanced. Simply shake the beanbag and have your pockets nice and toasty for up to 10 hours. One of the simple luxuries of life, in my opinion. People thought I was constantly carrying teabags around in my pocket, so it was rather amusing when they discovered it was instead replacing the warmth from within my empty soul... Moving on.

2) Scarf. Anyone who knows me will understand this derives from my obsession with these long strips of heavenly material, however, they can be incredibly useful as a student. I would definitely recommend a blanket-like scarf. It will both serve its purpose to keep you warm, but also give you a lovely personal, portable duvet which you can snuggle up in at break or during a lesson in which the lights are dimmed and the class is hyped up for a period of cinematic documentary of plant cells. If you yearn to walk the catwalk, mix up your style with multiple scarves for different days. Whilst in school I had no idea what 'fashion' even meant, but who cares? As long as you feel good in such an environment you can't go wrong.

3) Flask. Since we're still on the topic of battling the icy seasons, a good mug of green tea, coffee or hot choc gives an impression of sophistication, class, and a damn good taste in beverages. Within time you'll be joining the staff room gossiping about paychecks and how the caretaker left the floor too slippy whilst sipping some Tetley. In all seriousness, something hot to warm your heart at break gives you a sense of comfort and belonging, making the strenuous days all the more manageable.

4) Personalized notebooks.  Wrapping paper, stickers, just go all out. There's nothing more satisfying that pulling out a unique, awesome, attractive jotter out of your bag during class. From experience, this essential actually brightens your day and again, makes you feel more at home. Believe it or not, education can actually be enjoyable if you put the effort in to try and make it so. Go for something pleasing to the eye, combine textures, or even adapt them to the festive period to better your spirit. (Remember to always get permission. Personalizing your own special notebooks as an addition is always an option if not.)

5) Epic Stationary. What resided in my pencil case at school is what made me loose my mind. Whenever I took a step into WHSmith, my brain exploded with excitement as I hyperventilated. Similar to the notebooks, little aspects such as funky erasers and quirky ball-point pens improved my life as a student. There are some frankly hilarious stationary out there, so it would be sure to give you a giggle during maths when you pull out your crazy, vibrant, splodge-shaped calculator in maths as I did. (Do be weary of attaining the 'stationary goddess' reputation, as literally everyone will endlessly request to borrow your goods and you will likely never see them again.)

6) USB. A cool one. This is essential yet frequently forgotten. Without it, you are constantly emailing yourself work and reminders, whilst repeatedly misplacing Word Documents. It also makes you appear a much more sensible and reliable student, even if you opt for an eccentric memory stick, you're both wild and sure to ace ICT.

7) Tissues & Sanitizer. It may seem excessive, but if you want to get through the coming term without becoming a walking flu-bomb then it's best to take further precautions. Always have a pack of jazzy tissues at hand and be the talk of the yard, you never know when you may need them. For example, during my morning bus journey to college one winters morning, I was approached by a distressed, commendable young lady smothered in blood from clouting her nose on the slippery, concrete floor. Needless to say, my Pepper Pig tissues came to the rescue. Concerning the sanitizer, I think we all know the dreaded feeling of touching the slimy gum beneath the desk. Opt for a festive scent and proudly waltz from the classroom, clean and fresh.

8) Mints. As much as you may desire it, please for the sake of all human kind, do not bring chewing gum into school. It loses its flavor; leaves an abominable mess; on occasion looks like you have an attitude and is so boring you may as well chew soil. Instead, try out some flavorsome mints. Problem solved.

9) Brush With Mirror. Once again, this is an essential that is frequently forgotten. You'll feel prepared, mature and ready; especially after Physical Education when the entire class is hysterical over their sweaty, windswept appearance for the next class. This simple addition would save you from all matter of situations and will soon have friends running to you for styling advice when you're the only one who thought of a practical solution. (Though in my case, looking like I had a mushroom for hair didn't particularly make me popular.)

10) Mini Postcards. This is something I never had thought of and rather with I did. Whilst this blog post is bringing all sorts of memories back into my disturbed mind, I definitely don't miss the constant struggle of communication. Well, that's probably because I still struggle with it, but anyhow, I think this solution may help.You could pass a cheeky, silent message to a friend, or in much more convenient circumstances, pass a written card to your teacher at the end of class if you wish to converse something of an embarrassing nature. The seriousness of bullying often disguises itself from insecurity and fear of speaking out. A hand-written message can be one of the best ways to voice your concern and take action. Subsequently, topics such as mental health, learning disabilities and general struggles could also be passed on through this discrete method. On the other hand, why not pass your teacher a lovely little postcard thanking them for the lesson and wishing them a nice day? Teachers get stressed too, you know.

So that concludes my view on what are the top 10 back to school/ college/ uni essentials for the upcoming months. Quite a few of these get dismissed, but honestly, minute additions like these to your everyday timetable really does have the potential to turn your day around. 

To those of you beginning a new term, I wish you the best of luck and am of course sending a bundle of ginormous hugs. 


B x